Monday, October 18, 2010

Fishing on Lake Cooley, Inman South Carolina

I went fishing on lake Cooley in Inman SC over the weekend. I only caught 2 small Bream, but still had alot of fun. I was mostly interested in checking out how well the new fish finder set-up worked. It did really well and was able to pick up alot of schooling fish. Here are a few pictures from the water. I will try and keep posting pictures this week to show the changing of the colors here in South Carolina.

My Kayak Set-Up

Here are some photos of my set-up. I am using a 2009 Ocean Kayak Drifter Angler Edition Kayak. I have added a Scotty Anchor Mount on the Bow, added a Scotty Triple Spot Dashboard, 1 Scotty Rod Holder with am added Extension. I handmade a camera mount out of PVC pipe. I added a homemade kayak crate/dolly with an additional 4 rod holders and pneumatic tires. I also added an Eagle Cuda 300 fish finder with a custom 12volt waterproof battery setup. Last week I got a boat trailer for free from a friend, but it was in bad shape. I sanded down the frame, re-did the bunks and painted it. It works very well for a launch trailer, making it easier to launch my kayak without any help.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Brand New Blog Spot For My New Found Hobby of Kayak Fishing!

Hello All!!
I am starting this blog to let everyone follow along with me and my new found hobby of kayak fishing. I have bought and customized an Ocean Kayak Drifter Angler Edition kayak, and outfitted it with all kind of goodies. Stay tuned for pictures, and new fishing tales!
 I believe that fishing from a kayak may be the best new way for anglers to get the most from the sport of fishing. Kayak fishing allows you to be close to the water, it is Earth Friendly, and good exercise too....what else do you need in a sport?